Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
.NET quickstart tutorial
Posted by
Nagendra Prasad
12/22/2008 05:12:00 AM
Labels: .NET
.NET guided tour
Posted by
Nagendra Prasad
12/22/2008 05:10:00 AM
Labels: .NET
ASP.NET documentation link
Posted by
Nagendra Prasad
12/22/2008 02:24:00 AM
Labels: .NET
Thursday, September 25, 2008
What is difference between Test Methodology, Approach, and Strategy?
Test plan specifies process and scheduling of an application.
Test lead prepares test plan document based on what to test, how to test, when to test, whom to test.
It contains test plan id, one or two lines about project, estimated project testing start date ,actual project testing start date, estimated project testing end date, actual project testing end date, selected test engineer names for the current project, training needs ,schedule, use of automation tools, risks and mitigations, selecting test cases for regression testing.
Test strategy are the approaching the testing process. It contains scope and objective of testing, budget issues, test matrix nothing but mapping between development stages and testing issues.Test deliverables, communication between testing and development team, communication between two consecutive jobs in testing team, risks and mitigations, handle change request, automation, test measurements and metrics.
Test methodology provides current project testing approach. This document is developed by PM. It contains test strategy. Type of the project, test matrix, determine project requirements, indentify scope of application, indentify tactical risks, finalize term matrix prepare system test plan and if required prepare module test plan.
Test strategy provides over all approach where as test methodology provides current project testing approach.
End to end testing is also called as Inter system testing. In this, test engineer validates whether our system co existence with the existing software’s or not.
Penetration testing is nothing but security testing. We test the application based on authorization, encryption and description.
Posted by
Nagendra Prasad
9/25/2008 01:54:00 AM
Labels: Testing
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Creating a stored procedure for Custom Paging with the ASP.NET DataGrid Control
The DataGrid control is most flexible and robust data control offered b ASP.NET. It displays data from the database table, accommodates in-row editing and updating of displayed data, sorting of columns, and built-in paging.
The DataGrid built-in paging –> Storing the data source that is being displayed in the DataGrid. The data source must be retrieved in each post back, this obviously the least efficient approach.
The paging offered by the DataGrid control requires minimal coding. This code handles the page changing events, refreshes the data sources and binds the DataGrid to the DataSource again. The drawback is that it requires the entire data source be generated or retrieved in each postback. If data source contains 100 rows of data and the DataGrid will be displaying 10 rows at a time, the DataGrid will navigate through 10 pages of data. The paging requires the entire DataSource be present and CurrentPageIndex being set. If the CurrentPageIndex is set to 3, the DataGrid will display the rows 31 through 40 from the DataSource. Retrieving the complete DataSource incurs significant overhead in most cases.
Custom Paging provided by DataGrid gives the developer complete control over the paging behavior. Custom paging is enabled through the AllCustomPaging attribute being set to true. With Custom paging enabled, the entire data source is not required to be available to the DataGrid because developer controls the data that is being displayed. With this in mind, the most efficient method for implementing custom paging would be to only return the rows of data from the data source that are to be displayed on the currently displayed page. This can be accomplished best using a stored procedure.
Creating the Stored Procedure
A stored procedure is the best suited solution because it will be processed by SQL Server with only the results of the stored procedure being returned. Decreasing the amount of data passed back will significantly improve the performance of any data call. Additionally, the first time that a stored procedure is executed, SQL Server creates an execution plan for the stored procedure and caches it so that future calls to the stored procedure are much faster. The stored procedure created is shown below.
Create Procedure dbo.sqlj_GetClientsByPage
-- Declare parameters.
@CurrentPage As tinyint, @PageSize As tinyint, @TotalRecords As int OUTPUT
-- Turn off count return.
Set NoCount On
-- Declare variables.
Declare @FirstRec int
Declare @LastRec int
-- Initialize variables.
Set @FirstRec = (@CurrentPage - 1) * @PageSize
Set @LastRec = (@CurrentPage * @PageSize + 1)
-- Create a temp table to hold the current page of data
-- Add an ID column to count the records
Create Table #TempTable (ClientId int IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY, Name varchar(50), Balance smallmoney)
--Fill the temp table with the reminders
Insert Into #TempTable (Name, Balance)
Select Name As Name, Balance As Balance From Clients Order By Name
--Select one page of data based on the record numbers above
Select ClientId, Name, Balance From #TempTable Where ClientId > @FirstRec And ClientId < @LastRec --Return the total number of records available as an output parameter Select @TotalRecords = Count(*) From Clients The stored procedure above accepts a parameter that designates the currently displayed page in the DataGrid as well as the capacity of rows to display on each page. It returns the total number of rows that is found. A temporary table is created and populated with all client rows. A second query then pulls the correct range of rows out of the data in the temporary table. Using the Stored Procedure with a DataGrid Control
Posted by
Nagendra Prasad
7/09/2008 05:38:00 AM
Labels: SQL Server
Friday, July 4, 2008
You can ask SQL Server questions and find answers from expers
Posted by
Nagendra Prasad
7/04/2008 05:27:00 AM
Labels: SQL Server
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Free Telugu movies download
Posted by
Nagendra Prasad
6/11/2008 07:09:00 AM
Labels: Telugu
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Posted by
Nagendra Prasad
5/29/2008 01:21:00 AM
Labels: .NET
Training outlines of ASP.NET, VB.NET, C#, AJAX, SQL SERVER, Share Point, Silverlight
Posted by
Nagendra Prasad
5/29/2008 01:21:00 AM
Labels: Training outlines
Learning Tutorial For VB.NET
Posted by
Nagendra Prasad
5/29/2008 01:20:00 AM
Labels: .NET
Good Articles of AJAX, Visual Studio.NET, Reporting Services, SQL server
Posted by
Nagendra Prasad
5/29/2008 01:19:00 AM
Labels: .NET
SQL Server Reporting Services - Report Server, Report Designer, Report Builder, and other reporting-related discussions.
Posted by
Nagendra Prasad
5/29/2008 01:16:00 AM
Labels: Reporting Service
Monday, May 19, 2008
Reporting services forum
Posted by
Nagendra Prasad
5/19/2008 10:55:00 PM
Labels: Reporting Service
Friday, May 16, 2008
Download Free EBooks
Posted by
Nagendra Prasad
5/16/2008 12:56:00 AM
Labels: EBooks
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Tutorials and Videos to help you learn ASP.NET 2.0
Tutorials and Videos to help you learn ASP.NET 2.0
Posted by
Nagendra Prasad
5/10/2008 12:36:00 AM
Labels: .NET
Friday, May 9, 2008
Google Map API control for ASP.NET
Google has given really good exaples how to use that. However, everything is done using javascript.
Posted by
Nagendra Prasad
5/09/2008 05:25:00 AM
Labels: .NET
Dotnet 3.0 Training Material
Below is the link to learn DOT NET 3.0 which allows to download PPT files
Posted by
Nagendra Prasad
5/09/2008 05:14:00 AM
Labels: .NET
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Moving value from one list box to other list box using javascript
Recently i found good article on Moving values from one listbox to another listbox. Here is the link.
Posted by
Nagendra Prasad
5/08/2008 10:56:00 PM
Labels: javascript
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
SQL SERVER - 15 Best Practices for Better Database Performance
Read the below 14 best practices and let me know what is as per your opinion should be the 15 best practice
1. Store relevant and necessary information in the database instead of application structure or array.
2. Use normalized tables in the database. Small multiple tables are usually better than one large table.
3. If you use any enumerated field create look up for it in the database itself to maintain database integrity.
4. Keep primary key of lesser chars or integer. It is easier to process small width keys.
5. Store image paths or URLs in database instead of images. It has less overhead.
6. Use proper database types for the fields. If StartDate is database filed use datetime as datatypes instead of VARCHAR(20).
7. Specify column names instead of using * in SELECT statement.
8. Use LIKE clause properly. If you are looking for exact match use “=” instead.
9. Write SQL keyword in capital letters for readability purpose.
10. Using JOIN is better for performance then using sub queries or nested queries.
11. Use stored procedures. They are faster and help in maintainability as well security of the database.
12. Use comments for readability as well guidelines for next developer who comes to modify the same code. Proper documentation of application will also aid help too.
13. Proper indexing will improve the speed of operations in the database.
14. Make sure to test it any of the database programming as well administrative changes.
Posted by
Nagendra Prasad
4/22/2008 02:08:00 AM
Labels: SQL Server
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Yahoo maps
With an Intelligent Search & Landmark Based driving directions, Finding Places, Businesses and Directions in India has never been easier before.
Posted by
Nagendra Prasad
4/03/2008 11:47:00 PM
Online file sharing and storage - 5 GB free web space.
Posted by
Nagendra Prasad
4/03/2008 01:58:00 AM
Articles of ASP.NET, C#, SQL Server, Timesaver Tools
Posted by
Nagendra Prasad
4/03/2008 01:54:00 AM
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Time Tracker is a simple tool to keep track of the time you spend on any task. Think of it as a to-do-list with a clock. And yes, it's free.
Posted by
Nagendra Prasad
4/01/2008 05:40:00 AM
Whiteboards are created using elements like notes, text, symbols, and images. Once an element has been included by a participating user, the whiteboards of all users are automatically updated to reflect the change. Elements can be positioned (and notes resized) simply by dragging them with a mouse. Updating the text in a note is as simple as double-clicking with the mouse. There is even a text chat window provided for you to exchange instant messages with other users, as well as other facilities like easily being able to send an alert message to the browser of all participating whiteboard users.
Posted by
Nagendra Prasad
4/01/2008 05:39:00 AM
Watch Online Telugu Movies
Posted by
Nagendra Prasad
4/01/2008 01:52:00 AM
Labels: Telugu
Englsih - Telugu (Search word)
Posted by
Nagendra Prasad
4/01/2008 01:51:00 AM
Labels: Telugu
Telugu -English Dictionary
Posted by
Nagendra Prasad
4/01/2008 01:49:00 AM
Labels: Telugu
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Saturday, March 15, 2008
The important transitions in the ASP.NET 3.5 Framework
Microsoft LINQ to SQL is a new query language that enables you to access a database without writing any SQL.
Two new data access controls introduced with the ASP.NET 3.5 Framework: the ListView and DataPager controls to display, page, sort and edit a set of or single database record at a time.
Various navigation controls included in the ASP.NET Framework, such as the TreeView and Menu controls. You can use these controls with a Site Map in order to allow users to easily navigate web site.
The Microsoft AJAX Extensions for ASP.NET are integrated into the ASP.NET 3.5 Framework. AJAX represents a transition from using server-side technologies to using client-side technologies when building web applications.
AJAX – Highly responsive and interactive web applications that behave more like desktop applications.
Posted by
Nagendra Prasad
3/15/2008 12:46:00 AM
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Link to Listen Jalsa Audio Songs with high quality
Posted by
Nagendra Prasad
3/08/2008 03:10:00 AM
Friday, February 22, 2008
Frequently asked Generic Interview Questions
Tell me about yourself. [about myself means about my introduction i.e. my name , which place i belong to about my family background ,about my career about my achievements about my strengh and weakness and about my hobby and interest in an specific feild .]
What experience do you have in this field? How many years of experience do you have in area you are applying for?
Why did you leave your last job? Why are you planning to leave your current job? [There isn’t room for growth with my current employer . I have set some career goals for myself, and I know that I cannot achieve them at my current company. My goal is to work for a larger company with a possible career path.
Found myself bored with the work and looking for more new challenges]
What do you know about this organization? [According to me this is one of the best company. It has a good Environment, We feel good working in companies, which hasgood growth in the IT Industries. This Organization has allthe qualities like good growth, good Environment,maintaining a best level in the IT Industries, etc.]
Why do you want to work for this organization? [It values people,gives better package,latest technologies etc]
How would you describe your ideal job? [a job that is motivational,the one that deives me to work harder ]
How long would you expect to work for us if hired? ["I'd like it to be a long time." or"As long as we both feel I'm doing a good job."]
What have you done to improve your knowledge recently?
What do co-workers say about you? [My co-workers always admit that I am good team player by providing suitable advices at the right time.]
What irritates you about co-workers? What kind of person would you not work with?
Do you know anyone who works for us? (Relatives/Friends?)
What is your salary expectation?
Are you a team player or independent contributor?
What is your philosophy / ethics towards work?
Tell me about a problem you had with a supervisor?
How do you handle conflict at work?
How do you handle heavy stress at work?
What has motivated you to do your best on the job?.
What has disappointed you about a job?
What is your greatest strength? What is your weakest point?
How would you know you were successful on this job?
Would you be willing to relocate if required?
What have you learned from mistakes on the job?
If you were hiring a person for this job, what would you look for?
What has been your biggest professional disappointment or failure?
Do you think you are overqualified for this position?
How will you compensate for your lack of experience?
What do you see yourself doing five years from now?
What major problem have you had to deal with recently and how did you overcome?
Why should we hire you?
Do you have any questions for me?
Posted by
Nagendra Prasad
2/22/2008 10:08:00 PM
Labels: HR Questions
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Telugu blogs anf telugu sites
Posted by
Nagendra Prasad
2/09/2008 12:20:00 AM
Labels: Telugu
Telugu transliteration softwares
Posted by
Nagendra Prasad
2/09/2008 12:19:00 AM
Labels: Telugu
Telugu transliteration sites
Posted by
Nagendra Prasad
2/09/2008 12:13:00 AM
Labels: Telugu
Monday, January 28, 2008
Thursday, January 24, 2008
What is the advantage of putting the SQL statements inside a procedure?
Speed, security, modularity, consistency and reduced network congestion
Posted by
Nagendra Prasad
1/24/2008 02:13:00 AM
Labels: SQL Server
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
What is difference between char(1999) and varchar2 (1999)
CHAR is always 1999 characters long physically AND logically. But the varchar is physically 1999 bytes but logically can be any size in between 0 and 1999. The char is always blank padded, not so for the varchar.
Posted by
Nagendra Prasad
1/23/2008 03:24:00 AM
Labels: .NET
Friday, January 11, 2008
Own a Free Website Now!
Posted by
Nagendra Prasad
1/11/2008 12:58:00 AM
Labels: Blog Adresses
Thursday, January 10, 2008
How to use the new reporting service of Microsoft inside your ASP.NET Application
Microsoft has introduced a very different and extremely powerful reporting engine called SQL Reporting Services. It is relatively very easy to use reporting services, however it is a bit different from what we are used to in Crystal reports.
Reporting service is basically a reporting server that uses SQL server as its backend database, all reports are deployed on the reporting server and from their you can access any reports you have access rights to. The basic idea is to have a single location where all reports are deployed, and provides a single point of access; this created a very flexible environment to deploy your reports over the enterprise. The idea is a very similar to Crystal Reports Enterprise Reporting.
You will need the following tools before installing the reporting service, those tools are needed for development of reports for deployment.
SQL Server 2000 with SP3
IIS 5.0 or 6.0
Visual Studio .NET
Accessing Report Server Management Interface:
You can start by accessing your reporting service by going to http://localhost/reports this is where you can manage your reporting service. You can view reports and other information directly from this web interface, manages subscriptions, security, data sources and other.
The Reporting Service Web Management provides browsing folders that contain reports, data source names that you have deployed. This tool provides viewing of reports, however for developing reports you must have Visual Studio .NET
Report server windows service
Report server windows service must be running to be able to access, view and deploy reports from your development tool. (You can see ReportServer window service status through services.msc)
Developing Your Own Reports
Ø First you create a new project, and select Report Project this will create a reporting service project. From here you will find two folders shared data sources, and reports. Shared data sources is one very interesting feature, this is where your data source for your reports. You can have more than 1 shared data source or even a single data source for every report; however it wouldn't be a good idea to repeat the same data source twice if you are using the same database.
Ø create a shared data source selecting your SQL server, required database (Northwind)
Ø create new report
Ø Selecting the data for your report through query/stored procedure.
Ø After you are done selecting the data go to, report designer select the layout tab in your report, as you can see in the left toolbox you can use any of the report control to enhance your report functionality and design. You can include charts, images, matrix, etc... After you're done lets preview the report.
Ø Previewing Report: One of the features I love about the reporting service, is the ability to preview your report before deployment, here you can view your report as if you are in the deployment environment.
Ø Deploying Report on Report Service: all your reports are developed on Visual Studio .NET then they are deploying to a reporting server. To start deployment right clicks your application and select properties, you will find the property "OverwriteDataSources" to be false, make it to true, and then select the target folder; this can be anything you like. Then enter the location of your reporting server here it is localhost however it can be a domain, IP address or any location you want as long as reporting service is installed to it. After you are done press F5 or right click the
Ø Project and select deploy, the minute this is done your reports are deployed on your reporting server.
Ø Viewing Report from Report Service: As I said now your report is deployed on the reporting server you can access it directly by going to http://localhost/reports.
Reporting service Features
Ø The SQL 2000 Server Reporting Services provide web based interactive reports, and is integrated with the Visual Studio 2003.
Ø Although you can manipulate report programmatically, no programming is required if you want to use Reporting Services.
Ø This XML based data reporting is extremely easy to use and supports importing MS Access reports as well.
Ø Reports is generated *.rdl extension.
Ø Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services is designed with a modular, distributed architecture to help achieve both scalability and flexibility.
Ø A high performance Server based reporting engine for processing and formatting reports.
Ø A complete set of tools for creating, managing, and viewing reports.
Ø Create reports with tables, graphs with data extracted from the database.
Ø Can contain data from relational and/or multidimensional data sources.
Ø Reports are viewed over the web.
Ø Integration with Microsoft products and tools. Reporting Services integrates easily with familiar Microsoft tools such as Visual Studio and applications such as Office and SharePoint Portal Server, without requiring programming and customization.
Ø Managing reports. Reporting Services includes a web-based tool for managing reports as well as integration with the new SQL Server Management Studio. Administrators can use this interface to organize reports and data sources, schedule report execution and delivery, and track reporting history. Or, an enterprise or ISV can use the Reporting Services Web Services APIs to write customized management tools.
Ø Securing reports. Reporting Services implements a flexible, role-based security model to protect reports and reporting resources. The product includes extensible interfaces for integrating other security models if desired.
Ø Delivering reports. You can post reports to a portal, email them to users, or allow users to use the web-based report server to access reports from a folder hierarchy. Navigation, search, and subscription features help users locate and run the reports they need. Personalized subscriptions let them select the rendering format they prefer.
Report Definition Language (RDL) – An Xml schema for representing reports.
What is a Report?
A report is a combination of three kinds of information:
Ø Data or information on how to obtain the data (queries) as well as the structure of the data.
Ø Layout or formatting information that describes how the data is presented.
Ø Properties that the report such as author, parameters, images within the report, etc.
Posted by
Nagendra Prasad
1/10/2008 11:54:00 PM
Labels: Reporting Service
Monday, January 7, 2008
How to Hide and Show Rows in a DataList?
How to Display BoundColumn Based on a Condition?
How to Change the Column Value Dynamically to display in a DataGrid?
How to Hide a DataGrid Column Dynamically?
How to Sort a DataGrid Column Data Dynamically?
How to use DataFormatString in a DataGrid?
How to use HyperLink Column of DataGrid?
How to use ItemTemplate in a DataGrid Dynamically?
Hide the data if a database field value is null? Hide a DataGrid column?
Reshuffle or Change the order of DataGrid columns?
Change Color of a DataGrid Column Based on Column Values How to Add a Counter Column to the DataGrid?
How to Display Data Vertically?
How to add a DataGrid Column for Calculations?
Determine Windows users logged on a machine? S
tart an outside application programmatically?
Write my "Hello, World!" program in C#?
Read or write data streams?
Get IP Address of a Host?
Call a Windows API?
Open a wav file to play a sound?
Send a mail using SMTP?
Convert from one data type to another?
Create a Windows Service?
Open a browser from my application?
Get Current date/time?
Get all the running process on your machine?
Add events to a Windows Control at design time?
Copy a text file to HTTP output stream?
Developing a multi-threaded application?
Read windows registry?
Provide Cut and Paste functionality by using System Clipboard?
Write my first multithreading application?
Deploy my .NET Applications on other machines?
Find an Operating System version?
What is .NET Framework?
What language can I use to write ASP.NET applications?
What kind of applications can we build using the .NET Framework?
How is ASP.NET different than ASP 3.0?
What do I need to run ASP.NET?
Do I need Visual Studio .NET to develop ASP.NET applications?
Is ASP.NET cross-browser compatible?
What platform ASP.NET will run on?
What is "<%=...%> in ASP.NET?
How do I call an aspx page from a WebForm button Click?
How do I create a table Programmatically?
How do I add check boxes to a table?
How do I add combo boxes to a table?
How do I provide paging support in a DataGrid control?
Posted by
Nagendra Prasad
1/07/2008 01:24:00 AM
• Write a Generic Data Access Component which selects a data provider at run time?
• Transfer data from a SQL Server database to an Excel database?
• Create a Custom Data Provider?• Bind IList to a DataGrid?
• Use DiffGrams in a DataSet? • Data Binding in DataGrid Control?
• How to I get the modified rows (deleted, added, updated) of a DataSet?
• Send only affected rows of a DataSet to the database when saving results?
• Make DataSet save operation faseter? • Get rid of '+' sign from a DataGrid?
• Get all tables of a database programmatically?
• Get all columns of a table without using DataSet?
• Get a list of all available tables of an Access database?
• Update a database using DataSet?
• Add ComboBox to a DataGrid?
• Add CheckBox to a DataGrid?
• Use Date or DateTime values in a SQL statement?
• Create a SQL Server database programmatically?
• Read data from a database using ADO.NET?
• Write data to an access database using SQL Query and ADO?
• Use DataGrid to display data from a table?
• Get a database table's column properties such as name, type etc?
• I'm having problem connecting MySQL Server using ODBC .Net Data Provider.
• Get a list of available ODBC DSNs using ADO.NET?
• Is there any sample available to connect to MySQL Server?
• Navigate through database records in an unbound DataGrid control?
• Transfer data from SQL Server to Excel? • Create my own Data Adapter?
• View an Oracle database tables and their contents? • Connect to an Oracle database?
• Access an Oracle database? • Select, add, update and delete data from a database?
• Display data in a ListBox Web Control?
• Access data from Text files using ADO.NET?
• Read data from a relational database and write to XML Files?
• View data in a DataGrid control in a simple way?
• Get a database table properties programmatically? • Write data to an access database using SQL statement?
• Open and Read Excel Spreadsheet into a ListView
• Read and save Images in a SQL Server database using ADO.NET?
• Call Oracle Stored Procedure with Parameters in ASP.NET and ADO.NET?
• Add records to an Access database with a Stored Procedure?
• Execute Stored Procedures?
• Execute Views?
• Retrieve data from multiple database tables in a DataSet?
• View data from multiple database tables in a DataGrid control?
• Check if a database table has no records?
• Bind two fields of a table to a ListBox control?
Posted by
Nagendra Prasad
1/07/2008 01:20:00 AM
Labels: FAQ's
Saturday, January 5, 2008
1.Your job responsibilities in your previous/current job
2.Reason of leaving your earlier/current job.
3.Strengths and Weaknesses (Write down three (3) technical and three (3) non-technical personal strengths.)
4.Tell us about yourself. (Start from your education and give a brief coverage of previous experiences. Emphasize more on your recent experience explaining your job profile.)
5.What do you know about our company?
6.Why do you want to join our company?
7.Where do you see yourself in the next five years?
8.Why are you looking for a change?
9.Why should we hire you? Or why are you interested in this job?(Sum up your work experiences with your abilities and emphasize your strongest qualities and achievements. Let your interviewer know that you will prove to be an asset to the company.)
10.Do you prefer to work in a group? (Be honest and give examples how you've worked by yourself and also with others. Prove your flexibility.)
11.Questions to Ask
At the end of the interview, most interviewers generally ask if you have any questions. Do not ask queries related to your salary, vacation, bonuses, or other benefits. This information should be discussed at the time of getting your joining letter. Here we are giving few sample questions that you can ask at the time of your interview.
Sample Questions
1) Could you tell me the growth plans and goals for the company?
2) What skills are important to be successful in this position?
3) What's the criteria your company uses for performance appraisal?
4) With whom will I be interacting most frequently and what are their responsibilities and the nature of our interaction?
Posted by
Nagendra Prasad
1/05/2008 01:18:00 AM
Labels: HR Questions
SQL Server Interview Questions
Explain Third normalization form with an example?
When you should use low fill factor?
How you can minimize the deadlock situation?
How to choose between a Clustered Index and a Non-Clustered Index?
Why there is a performance difference between two similar queries that uses UNION and UNION ALL?
Write a SQL Query to find first day of month?
A user is a member of Public role and Sales role. Public role has the permission to select on all the table, and Sales role, which doesnt have a select permission on some of the tables. Will that user be able to select from all tables ?
If a user doesnt have a permission on a table, but he has permission to a view created on it, will he be able to view the data in table?
Describe Application Role and explain a scenario when you will use it?
Both a UNIQUE constraint and a PRIMARY KEY constraint enforce uniqueness, so when you should use UNIQUE Constraint?
What is the difference between the REPEATABLE READ and SERIALIZE isolation levels?
Why one should not prefix user stored procedures with sp_?
You have several tables, and they are joined together for querying. They have clustered indexes and non clustered indexes. To optimize the performance how you will distribute the tables and their indexes on different file Groups?
Which event (Check constraints, Foreign Key, Rule, trigger, Primary key check) will be performed last for integrity check ?
After removing a table from database, what other related objects have to be dropped explicitly ?
How can you get an identity value inside a trigger, there are different ways to get identity value, explain why you will prefer one on another.
How to find out which stored procedure is recompiling?
How to stop stored procedures from recompiling?
When should one use instead of Trigger?
What is a derived table?
Posted by
Nagendra Prasad
1/05/2008 12:44:00 AM
Labels: FAQ's
ASP.Net Interview Questions
1. Which method do you invoke on the DataAdapter control to load your generated dataset with data?
2. Can you edit data in the Repeater control?
3. Which template must you provide, in order to display data in a Repeater control?
4. How can you provide an alternating color scheme in a Repeater control?
5. What property must you set, and what method must you call in your code, in order to bind the data from some data source to the Repeater control?
6. What base class do all Web Forms inherit from?
7. What method do you use to explicitly kill a user s session?
8. How do you turn off cookies for one page in your site?
9. Which two properties are on every validation control?
10. What tags do you need to add within the asp:datagrid tags to bind columns manually?
11. How do you create a permanent cookie?
12. What tag do you use to add a hyperlink column to the DataGrid?
13. What is the standard you use to wrap up a call to a Web service
14. Which method do you use to redirect the user to another page without performing a round trip to the client?
15. What is the transport protocol you use to call a Web service SOAP
16. True or False: A Web service can only be written in .NET
17. What does WSDL stand for?
18. What property do you have to set to tell the grid which page to go to when using the Pager object?
19. Where on the Internet would you look for Web services?
20. What tags do you need to add within the asp:datagrid tags to bind columns manually.
21. Which property on a Combo Box do you set with a column name, prior to setting the DataSource, to display data in the combo box?
22. How is a property designated as read-only?
23. Which control would you use if you needed to make sure the values in two different controls matched?
24. True or False: To test a Web service you must create a windows application or Web application to consume this service?
25. How many classes can a single .NET DLL contain?
(a) One and only one(b) Not more than 2(c) Many
Posted by
Nagendra Prasad
1/05/2008 12:42:00 AM
Labels: FAQ's
FAQs on ASP.Net
How to Hide and Show Rows in a DataList?
How to Display BoundColumn Based on a Condition?
How to Change the Column Value Dynamically to display in a DataGrid?
How to Hide a DataGrid Column Dynamically? How to Sort a DataGrid Column Data Dynamically?
How to use DataFormatString in a DataGrid?
How to use HyperLink Column of DataGrid?
How to use ItemTemplate in a DataGrid Dynamically?
Hide the data if a database field value is null?
Hide a DataGrid column?
Reshuffle or Change the order of DataGrid columns?
Change Color of a DataGrid Column Based on Column Values How to Add a Counter Column to the DataGrid?
How to Display Data Vertically?
How to add a DataGrid Column for Calculations?
Determine Windows users logged on a machine?
Start an outside application programmatically?
Write my "Hello, World!" program in C#?
Read or write data streams? Get IP Address of a Host?
Call a Windows API?
Open a wav file to play a sound?
Send a mail using SMTP? Convert from one data type to another?
Create a Windows Service?
Open a browser from my application?
Get Current date/time?
Get all the running process on your machine?
Add events to a Windows Control at design time?
Copy a text file to HTTP output stream?
Developing a multi-threaded application?
Read windows registry?
Provide Cut and Paste functionality by using System Clipboard?
Write my first multithreading application?
Deploy my .NET Applications on other machines?
Find an Operating System version?
What is .NET Framework?
What language can I use to write ASP.NET applications?
What kind of applications can we build using the .NET Framework?
How is ASP.NET different than ASP 3.0?
What do I need to run ASP.NET?
Do I need Visual Studio .NET to develop ASP.NET applications?
Is ASP.NET cross-browser compatible?
What platform ASP.NET will run on?
What is " in ASP.NET?
How do I call an aspx page from a WebForm button Click?
How do I create a table Programmatically?
How do I add check boxes to a table?
How do I add combo boxes to a table?
How do I provide paging support in a DataGrid control?
Posted by
Nagendra Prasad
1/05/2008 12:37:00 AM
Labels: FAQ's
FAQs on ADO.Net
Write a Generic Data Access Component which selects a data provider at run time?
Transfer data from a SQL Server database to an Excel database?
Create a Custom Data Provider?Bind IList to a DataGrid?
Use DiffGrams in a DataSet? Data Binding in DataGrid Control?
How to I get the modified rows (deleted, added, updated) of a DataSet?
Send only affected rows of a DataSet to the database when saving results?
Make DataSet save operation faseter? Get rid of '+' sign from a DataGrid?
Get all tables of a database programmatically?
Get all columns of a table without using DataSet?
Get a list of all available tables of an Access database?
Update a database using DataSet? Add ComboBox to a DataGrid?
Add CheckBox to a DataGrid?
Use Date or DateTime values in a SQL statement?
Create a SQL Server database programmatically?
Read data from a database using ADO.NET?
Write data to an access database using SQL Query and ADO?
Use DataGrid to display data from a table?
Get a database table's column properties such as name, type etc?
I'm having problem connecting MySQL Server using ODBC .Net Data Provider. Get a list of available ODBC DSNs using ADO.NET?
Is there any sample available to connect to MySQL Server?
Navigate through database records in an unbound DataGrid control?
Transfer data from SQL Server to Excel? Create my own Data Adapter?
View an Oracle database tables and their contents? Connect to an Oracle database?
Access an Oracle database? Select, add, update and delete data from a database?
Display data in a ListBox Web Control? Access data from Text files using ADO.NET?
Read data from a relational database and write to XML Files?
View data in a DataGrid control in a simple way?
Get a database table properties programmatically?
Write data to an access database using SQL statement?
Open and Read Excel Spreadsheet into a ListView Read and save Images in a SQL Server database using ADO.NET?
Call Oracle Stored Procedure with Parameters in ASP.NET and ADO.NET?
Add records to an Access database with a Stored Procedure?
Execute Stored Procedures?
Execute Views?
Retrieve data from multiple database tables in a DataSet?
View data from multiple database tables in a DataGrid control?
Check if a database table has no records? Bind two fields of a table to a ListBox control?
Posted by
Nagendra Prasad
1/05/2008 12:32:00 AM
Labels: FAQ's
FTP Address for Books
Posted by
Nagendra Prasad
1/05/2008 12:04:00 AM